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Farm Fresh Bangalore

Pearl Millet/Bajra ( Sajje ) 500g

Pearl Millet/Bajra ( Sajje ) 500g

Regular price Rs. 44.00
Regular price Rs. 52.00 Sale price Rs. 44.00
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Pearl Millet, also known as Bajra or Sajje, is a highly nutritious grain that has been grown for centuries in India and Africa. It is a great addition to any healthy diet due to its high fiber content, which helps with digestion, and its low glycemic index, which makes it a good option for those with diabetes or other metabolic conditions.

Product Features:

- Rich in essential nutrients like iron, magnesium, and zinc.

- A low glycemic index food that helps maintain steady blood sugar levels.

- High in fiber which promotes feelings of fullness and aids in digestion.

- Can be used in various dishes such as porridge, bread, roti and even beverages.

- Gluten-free alternative to wheat products for those who are gluten intolerant.

- Sustainable crop that requires minimal water and can grow in poor soil conditions.

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