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Farm Fresh Bangalore

Horse Gram 500g

Horse Gram 500g

Regular price Rs. 127.00
Regular price Rs. 142.00 Sale price Rs. 127.00
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Horse Gram is a type of legume that has been used as an essential component in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It has recently become popular for its numerous health benefits, such as aiding in weight loss, promoting digestion, and reducing cholesterol levels.

Product Features:

- Packed with essential nutrients like protein, iron, and fiber.

- Low glycemic index makes it ideal for managing diabetes.

- Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help combat numerous ailments.

- Has a unique taste when compared to other lentils or beans.

- Can be grown organically without the need for extensive use of pesticides or fertilizers.

- Versatile ingredient to include in various dishes such as soups, salads, curries, and sprouts.

- Can be soaked overnight then cooked easily on the stovetop or pressure cooker.

- A cost-effective source of plant-based protein.

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